Lock-free Ring Queue - What is it? In a nutshell: it is a data structure facilitating inter-thread messaging communication.

A little history

  • Lock-free ring queue datastructure attracted a lot of attention in the concurrency world because of the name LMAX Disruptor in 2011. You can still find the presentation back on Dec 2010 here. Never heared of Disruptor? Spring framework uses it undernearth since 2013.
  • The lock-free ring queue is at the core of Disruptor.
  • The same data structure was in BSD code back in 2008.
  • The same data structure is used in linux kernel.
  • Also in famous intel DPDK framework.

Why redo the wheel in C++11 ?

You might ask there are so many implementations available now, why do we redo it in c++11?

One of the biggest benefit C++11 brought to us IMHO is its multithreading memory model and atomics library. Imagine without these two how much work do you need to do to make sure your multi-threading code will run correctly on different OS and CPU architecture. In the multi-core hardware era c++11 brought us powerful weapons that enable both sequential consistency and weakly ordered multithreading models for our multithreading programming to squeeze our hardware's true power. We have a good start then we can build up better world to compete with Java, Rust, Go, Clojure,Erlang, Haskell, Scala etc. in this concurrent world.

Talk is cheap, show me the code

Here I will present a deadly simple lock-free MPMC(multi-producer, multi-consumer) ring queue implementation in c++11. The C implementation can be found at dpdk git. Ring queue's documentation can be also found at dpdk site.

In my simplest version, I have only implemented push/pop so far for an easy start; no bulk operations, no watermark notification, no dynamic size adjustments for the buffer.

constexpr uint64_t RING_BUFFER_SIZE = 2 << 10;
constexpr uint64_t CACHE_LINE_SIZE = 64;

template <class T>
class ring_buffer_queue{

    const static uint32_t size = RING_BUFFER_SIZE;
    const static uint32_t mask = size - 1;

    struct prod {
        std::atomic<uint32_t>  alignas(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) first;
        std::atomic<uint32_t>  alignas(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) second;

    struct consumer {
        std::atomic<uint32_t>  alignas(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) first;
        std::atomic<uint32_t>  alignas(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) second;

    simple_spin_wait spinlock;

    T* alignas(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) buffer[size];


    inline int multiple_producer_push(T* obj, uint32_t num = 1) {
        uint32_t head, tail, next;

        bool success = false;
        do {
            head = writer.first.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
            tail = reader.second.load(std::memory_order_acquire);

            //check if queue is full
            if ((head - tail + 1)>mask)

            next = head + num;
            success = writer.first.compare_exchange_weak(head, next, std::memory_order_release);
        } while (!success);

        buffer[head & mask] = obj;

        //to ensure FIFO feature of queue

        while (writer.second.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != head) {

        writer.second.store(next, std::memory_order_release);


        return 0;

    inline int multiple_producer_pop(T& ret, uint32_t num = 1) {
        uint32_t head, tail, next;

        bool success = false;
        do {
            tail = reader.first.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
            head = writer.second.load(std::memory_order_acquire);

            //check if queue is empty
            if (head == tail)
                return -1;

            next = tail + num;
            success = reader.first.compare_exchange_weak(tail, next, std::memory_order_release);
        } while (!success);

        ret = *buffer[tail & mask];

        //to ensure FIFO feature of queue
        while (reader.second.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != tail) {

        reader.second.store(next, std::memory_order_release);


        return 0;


Class Memebers

First let's look at ring queue class members:

A few points to mention here:

  • The fixed size of ring queue is usually power of 2, the reason for this is that you can use pointer & (RING_BUFFER_SIZE-1) instead of pointer % RING_BUFFER_SIZE for a pointer to circle back and point to the beginning of the ring queue.

  • The prod/consumer each contains first/second pointers (equivalent to prod/consumer's head and tail in DPDK). The reason it needs first and second pointers is explained down below.

  • alignas(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) used here is to prevent false sharing to happen. If you don't know what is false sharing, here is a simple and excellent explanation. Before c++11 this is done through padding chars, but now we can use new syntax alignas.

  • simple_spin_wait will be explained in a separate topic.